How Deep is Water Polo Pool?

A Water Polo Pool is a rectangular and deep pool with two floating net goals on each end for the sport of Water Polo. The construction of water polo pools is based on the FINA rules and regulations. Along the ends of the pool are where the goals float, and alongside the goals are re-entry areas for players to enter into the boundary of play. Since players must tread water during the game, the standard water polo pool is several feet or meters below a standard players height.

The dimensions of a water polo pool are not fixed and can vary between 20×10 and 30×20 meters with varying depths.The depth of a Water Polo Pool must be at least 6 feet deep. However, in the case of a pool having a shallow end, players are still prohibited from touching the bottom of the pool. 

Differences in water polo pool dimensions

Based on official regulations, water polo pools have to have the following dimensions, differentiating between male and female competitions:

– Male Competitions

Length (between goal lines): Maximum of 30 metres and a minimum of 20 metres.

Width: Maximum of 20 metres and a minimum of 10 metres.

– Female competitions

Length (between goal lines): Maximum of 25 metres and a minimum of 20 metres.

Width: Maximum of 20 metres and a minimum of 10 metres.

However, for high-level sporting competitions, such as the national league, events associated with FINA and the Olympic Games, the dimensions must be the maximum indicated.

Other specifications of the water polo pool

Water polo pools also have other elements that must be taken into account, both in design and construction.

Within the playing zone, each area must be defined and marked with the regulated colours used in this sport discipline, respecting the official lengths and distances.

The platforms created for the control of the competition, and to allow for circulation around the pool, must also respect official measures registered in the regulatory rules.

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The management is located in a special space with a minimum size of 2 x 5 meters, which is well lit and equipped for the smooth work of officials. The sides of the swimming pool where the referees move are separated from the auditorium by fences 1.2 meters high, and are at least 3 meters away from the edge of the swimming pool. In case of night games, the swimming pools are equipped with electric lighting.

The water temperature in the pools must not be lower than 20°C, while the maximum temperature is 27°C. It is measured with an official thermometer in the presence of team representatives.

The optimal air temperature is also a value to be taken into account, not only in water polo pools, but generally in any indoor pool as well. Ideally, it should be between 2ºC and 3ºC above the pool water temperature, without exceeding 28ºC.